HTML Resources and Documentation |
Major Organizations -- The HTML Writers Guild (HWG) |
The HTML Writers Guild
Web Development Resources
Major Organizations -- World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) |
HTML 5.2 5th Major Version, 2nd Minor Revision
W3C announces HTML 4.0
HTML 4.0 Working Draft Release
W3C HTML Markup Valication Service
Major Organizations -- NCSA |
A Beginners Guide to HTML from NCSA
Web Mastery - Learning HTML from NCSA
Web Mastery - the HTML Language HyperNews Forums & Resource Lists from NCSA
Server Side Includes
WWW and HTML Developer's JumpStation from SingNet
HTML Library has a really good set of pointers!
HTML: The Definitive Guide
Creating Net Sites at Netscape
Interlog Support Information
Elsop's Webmaster Resource Center
People |
Burns, Joe: HTML Goodies
Garvick, Jeanie: Garvick.Com Web Design and Promotion
Gerow, Jonny: Jonny's HTML Headquarters
McWebber: HTML Assistance
Rule, Jeff: Dynamic HTML Demos
Sol, Selina: Introduction to Web Design
Suzanne: Reviews & Comparisons
Tisdale, Lawrence: The Ultimate Guide to Cookies
Werbach, Kent: The Bare Bones Guide to HTML
Other Information |
Derrik van Bemmel's fr@me-sc@pe
C|NET's Builder.Com
Loki's Homepage Resource Center
HotSource HTML Help
Writing HTML A Tutorial for creating WWW pages
Project Cool
Another route to the above
Site Rippers Ink!
Hacker's Guide to Navigator
PC World Online
C|NET's Internet Speed Tweaks
W3C HTML Validator Site Inspector
Web Site Garage
The Web Developer's Virtual Library
The Complete Webmaster
html helps Home Page from GeoCities
U. of Essex: Web Authoring Guide
The Frame FAQ
The International 'I Hate Frames' Club
Discussion of META tags
Book: Guide to Dynamic HTML
HTML Workshop
HTML Haven
Browse and View - publish HTML on a disk
DOS and Windows Help
Miscellaneous Information Revelry Definitions (geaux Tigers)
Broadcast FAX and Junk E-mail Illegal
Canadian Fair Practices Act
Netizens Against Gratuitous Spamming
AntiSpam Org - Fighting Net Abuse / Spam
"The Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email"
"Blacklist of Internet Advertisers"
"The Netizen's Guide to Spam, Abuse, and Internet Advertising"
"The Uselessness of Spam" from The Useless Pages
"The Church of Spam"
"John's Shrine to Spam"