This picture was taken at Moraine Lake, near Lake Louise in the Beautiful Canadian Rockies, on the evening of August 6, 1997. | |
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Here's "the Proprieter" with Butch and Sundance (Butch is hunkered down on the right), a pair of Cockatiels who shared our home for a couple of years. They're now living with some friends who have a large aviary, allowing them a lot more freedom than they enjoyed with us. |
I'm Ron Kohlin, of Niceville, Florida. I recently retired after a long period of servitude to IBM and moved from Lexington,Kentucky to the Sunshine State.
When I'm not working, I like to keep busy reading history and Sherlock Holmes , working on my model railroad (which has gotten somewhat behind), or watching NASCAR races on TV. I'm a member of the SOO Lines Historical and Technical Society , and my wife and I enjoy traveling on historic steam-powered trains. I mean, we REALLY ENJOY riding the rails!
In 1995, my wife Anita and I took trips to Texas, California, Pennsylvania (twice), Western Maryland, and West Virginia specifically to ride on trains. We also managed to find trains while visiting relatives in Wisconsin and Arizona. We rode on a total of eighteen different trains, and I got two cab rides as well. What a summer!
In 1996, we didn't travel quite so much. We did manage a trip to California and to Nevada in late April/Early May, where we visited the State Railroad museums of each. We drove up the Feather River Canyon and stopped at Portola Railroad Museum (yes, we rented a locomotive!). In July, we went to Wisconsin to celebrate my high school class reunion and rode an excursion on the Osceola & St. Croix Valley Railway. Then in October, we went down to Dillsboro, North Carolina and rode the Great Smoky Mountains Railway. In November we went to Rhinelander, Wisconsin for the SOO Line Historical & Technical Society's annual meeting. We had hoped to ride behind the newly-restored SOO # 1003, but it didn't get completed in time. Instead, we had two great trips behind the D&NM Ry. # 14, double-headed with the SOO # 2500 FP-7.
In January I updated my pictures from Texas in 1994 and Pennsylvania in 1995 to show some better scans and to give a little synopsis of those trips. I hope you enjoy them! Some of the pictures from the SOO Line H&TS convention in Rhinelander got a similar treatment a few weeks earlier.
We celebrated our 29th wedding anniversary (May 18th) by taking a trip to Niagara Falls. While there, I took a helicopter ride over the Falls. With the photos finally back from the processor, I've scanned some of the better ones and put them here.
In early August of 1997, we took a major trip to the Canadian West. We helped the folks in Victoria celebrate BC day, then drove up the coast and inland to the wonderful Canadian National Parks: Jasper, Banff, Glacier and Mount Revelstoke. We also visited the Wine country of the Okanagan Valley. What a wonderful trip! Thanks to all Canadians; we had a wonderful time.
In September, the SOO Line H&TS convention was held in our home town. We rode behind # 1003 both days, and I've posted a few pictures Here!
In 1998, we had a major change when I took retirement from IBM after 30 years of dedicated service. I retired in February, we sold our house in Lexington in June, and moved to Florida in July. In between, we had a hurried trip to Wisconsin, three trips to Florida to search for a new home, and a lot of exercise packing (or garage-saling) the accumulation of our nine years in Lexington. After we finally completed the move, we made a trip to Texas (and chased the Hill Country Flyer from Cedar Park to Burnet. Later in September, we made another trip to Wisconsin, where we attended the Soo Line H&TS Society convention in Stevens Point and also got to ride behind the Soo Line Pacific # 2719 steam locomotive out of Chippewa Falls. We're already making plans for the 1999 convention, which will be held in Duluth, Minnesota.
When I was 15, my dad bought a brand new 1957 Plymouth Belvedere. White with a gold top and side stripe, it was exactly like this one except for having four doors. It was gorgeous! I still love the sweeping looks of all the 1957 Chrysler cars.
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